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8 Spring Cleaning Tips5/7/2019
  1. Start with a schedule: Analyze the different categories of your home that need deep-clean and create a schedule of different times when you will be able to attentively address each category. Marie Kondo, a mother and professional tidier, suggests to start with large categories such as clothing and work your way down to sentimental items. To learn more about her 5-step method, watch the Netflix Special “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” or visit https://konmari.com/
  2. Declutter: decide which items you wish to keep, which items you wish to replace, and which items you wish to discard. Once decisions have been made, declutter your space by donating or discarding of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. Be sure to reduce clutter throughout the year by discarding one item when you purchase a new related item (such as a shirt).
  3. Work from top to bottom: once your home has been decluttered, begin deep-cleaning by dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning appliances in your home. Remember to start at the top and work your way down to ensure that every aspect is cleaned and stays clean throughout this process.
  4. Don’t forget the junk drawer! A lot of us rely on placing miscellaneous items in our “Junk Drawer” in order to remove them from view. However, this is not always the most effective way to store miscellaneous items. Go through your junk drawer and find a distinct place for each item. Use small boxes to sort these items for easy accessibility. Commit to keeping the drawer organized.
  5. Out with the old and in with the new: Spring is a season of new beginnings. Carry this concept into your home by replacing older items with fresh new versions. If you have doormats that have seen better days and are far from repair by cleaning alone, replace them with new mats that give a fresh look to your home. Similarly, address blankets, curtains, and other decorative items in the same way to bring balance and brightness to your home through fresh home decor.
  6. Add the finishing touches: After you have gone through your possessions and have deep-cleaned every space in the house including appliances, windows, doors, and walls, it is important to give your home a finished feel. Complete the Spring Cleaning process by adding finishing touches like polishing your tables or countertops, lighting candles for a fresh scent in your home, or simply opening the curtains to allow for more sunlight to come in to your space. This could also mean stocking up on fresh groceries and preparing your life for the upcoming season.
  7. Be sure to remain motivated: Allow the Spring Cleaning process to improve your life by motivating you to stay tidy and clean in your home. Try to remember to clean on a frequent basis and keep yourself accountable with a cleaning schedule. Encourage other family members to help out with these household chores.
  8. Now, apply these same concepts to your finances. Check out our resources,webinars and tools on our Balance site on eaglecu.org to help with budgeting, tracking your spending, reviewing your statements, credit reports and more!
  9. Relax and enjoy the rewards! Take a deep breath and look around your home. You’ve accomplished generating new life in your home through Spring Cleaning! Now, reward your hard work by sitting back, relaxing, and enjoying the fresh new environment.


Happy Spring Cleaning!

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